Avo Insurance

Website Content Development &
SEO Blog Management

Brand strategy
Content strategy
Website content development (bilingual)
UX writing
SEO Blog Strategy
On-page SEO
Blog marketing
LinkedIn maintenance

From green to mature.

Is reaching out to potentials customers without agents a mission impossible?
Experience tells it’s not.
Avo once struggled with low exposure as a young digital insurance brand,
surviving on organic search sessions roughly more than 10K a year.
In 2022, I’ve achieved a 10x surge in blog page views, sessions, and users,
boosting impressions and clicks for >200%.
My secret recipe? Never shy away from talking about health and money!

The sharp turn was contributed by a full revamp and SEO implementation for product pages and the blog.
With the support of other copywriters, designers, developers, the product manager,
marketing team and compliance team,
Avo has gone through several revamps and now greets its customers with a refreshing presence.
Although some still recognise Avo as ‘an avocado’ or ‘a kiwi fruit’,
numbers tell Avo is attracting more people to try out their insurance products.

Find what went from zero to one below:
Home Protection | Landlord (leasing out)
Home Protection | Self-occupied / tenant
Domestic Helper Protection

Lastly, don’t miss out the blog that shares knowledge on health, insurance and more.
You may also start from the homepage for a full experience or connect with Avo on social media.

